For this lexical stroll, let’s meet in Belle (Bailleul). After saying welekommen (welcome), let’s head towards the Monts de Flandre. Ravensberg, Catsberg, Zwarteberg. These names will get you thinking: Berg means Mount (Mont aux Corbeaux (Mount Raven) for Ravensberg, Mont des Cats (Mount Cats) for Catsberg, Mont Noir (Mount Black) for Zwarteberg). The Mont des Cats, known for its abdei (abbey) and its famous kaezen (cheeses), has some trails with an abundance of landscapes and panoramic views.

Hare's marsh or stepping stone?
Follow our route to discover some Flemish vocabulary! Along a weg (path), you’ll probably see a hommelhof (hop field). On the road leading to Hazebrouck (hare’s marsh) or Steenvoorde (stepping stone), you’ll go through hamlets and villages. In Terdeghem, you’ll come across a mulle (windmill), unlike other mills, as it is made of brick. It is still running to produce meel (flour), under the kindly eye of Joseph, the mullenaer (miller).