History with a capital H
Delve into History with a capital H at the Maison de la Bataille de Noordpeene. A learning trail and brand new scenes await to help you relive the momentous day on 11 April 1677 when the current French-Belgian border was drawn up. Indeed, this is where Philippe I, Duke of Orléans’ French troops confronted those of William III, in a tense context between the two countries, against a backdrop of economic, religious and political rivalry. At the end of the battle, short but tragic, the French victory fixed the border with the United Provinces of the Netherlands, which has remained practically unchanged since. Another part of the museum also invites you to understand the daily lives of our Flemish ancestors. The museum regularly proposes knowledgeable temporary exhibitions on the 17th century.

Known and recognized people
Some other major historical figures have lived or passed through here. One example is Guillaume de Rubrouck, the monk who left for Mongolia in 1253, sent on a mission by King Louis IX. Relive his journey and find out about Mongolian culture and this true friendship created between Flanders and Asia. Closer to home, Abbé Lemire is a prominent figure from Hazebrouck and known throughout France. Venture into his lovely little house and retrace his life history. Born in Vieux-Berquin, a priest, a mayor, a deputy; this man became the spokesperson for the most humble and left the creation of the Jardins Ouvriers (allotments) to his descendants.
At Saint-Jans-Cappel, you’ll discover the childhood life of Marguerite Yourcenar, née Marguerite Cleenewerck de Crayencour, which was spent on the slopes of Mont Noir. You’ll find photos, documents, an area dedicated to her novels, and another to her moral commitments.