The excitement of the preparations
I’ve been getting ready for several weeks. I have been creating my costume, its materials, its colours. Admittedly, I’m reusing my costume from last year for the most part: the thick fur coat, the multicolour badges, the fluorescent boa. And every year, I add some extra bits. You see here, I sewed on the Lion de Flandre badge last year. This year, I’m pinning on some new radiant badges and a few feathers. All this preparation gets me in the mood for carnival. I have the music in my head and some party memories come back to me. I’m counting down the days until the key moment!
The reunions of the first day
It’s here! It’s the big day! Whether it’s the early morning in Cassel or the release of Gargantua in Bailleul, the impatience is the same. I spruce myself up, put make-up on and finally put on my costume that I’ve spent so long working on. Outside, I brace the weather and go to meet my friends. It’s so good to see each other again! I can hear the singing in the streets. Other carnival goers join us. My eyes are filled with wonder before all these colours. Some costumes are funny, others are super well-made. It’s a sight to behold. I can feel the joy of the carnival, it’s so present amongst us that it’s tangible! In the streets, everyone dances and celebrates in a wave of confetti.